Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Oath-1874

Today was a great discovery day.  Some incredibly important documents arrived today:

This is John Horan’s petition for U.S. citizenship requested from the National Archives.  He applied for naturalization in October 1872 and was approved and took his oath in Boston on November 28, 1874.   See his signature at the bottom of the certificate.  The certificate also confirms another point to be investigated. John Horan first arrived in New York before Fall River.  Some clues indicate John and Catherine may have lived in New York before relocating to Fall River. 


Also discovered today were the death certificates for John and Catherine Horan and their eldest son,
William.  Some important facts were uncovered by review of these documents.

·         John Horan’s parents are listed as John Horan and Ann Madden.  This is a major breakthrough to uncover the generation prior to the initial US immigration. 
·         John Horan died in 1905 at age 71 from hepatic congestion (liver).
·         Catherine O’Neil Horan died in 1894 at age 56 from pneumonia.
·         William J. (son) died in 1920 at age 50 from nephritis (inflamed kidneys)
William never married. In later years, William and his father John lived with Ellen Horan Shay, the only daughter of John and Catherine.  Mark Shay, Ellen’s husband was a police officer.  The family continued to reside together on Beach Street.

Irish Proverb

Tús maith, leath na hoibre.
Meaning: A good start is half the work.