Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Disclaimer

Now that we’ve set the table for this family research project, I will add the following disclaimer to all entries going forward:
  • There is no neat and tidy way to communicate a genealogy project. The research results come in no particular order, can often be spectacularly boring to decipher, and waiting to publish information until a formal order of events can be compiled can cost you dearly in the end. Time waits for no one. 

  •  “My stories are 97% accurate. Who cares about the other 4 %”  (Uncle Bill Horan, New Bedford)
We think it is more important to share significant information we are uncovering now rather than wait.  This type of random investigative work takes on a life of its own and sharing it as best as we can, often speed overtakes accuracy.  Translation:  Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.   If you are a certified genealogist, prefer academic order in research projects, or are an admitted Type A personality, stop here.  You should click out of this blog now.  I’ll get back to you in a few years after I’ve input the database for the entire multi-generational, cross-continent genealogical family tree project J

An Irish Proverb
An áit a bhuil do chroí is ann a thabharfas do chosa thú.

Your feet will bring you to where your heart is.

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